Elite M.M.A. Center
2022 Main Street
Northampton, Pa 18067
(610) 440 0443
Our Team.
Elite M.M.A. Center is so proud of their instructors who have been cultivated from within. We are appreciative of how they have threaded their personal lives with the demands of being a martial arts instructor. But our team manages to do this while training and bringing the best to their students! Elite is so inspired by their hard work and dedication to our program. We are so glad they continue to grace Elite M.M.A. Center...
Push Blue Bar to visit Instructor Bio

According to Pennsylvania Department of Human Services, the Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Certification the instructors at Elite M.M.A. Center Northampton Pa have received certification!

INSTRUCTORS - Team Biographies
"Our people are among the most talented in the industry. It would be our pleasure to put our extensive experience to work for you."

Shihan Ralph Orobono, 8th Degree

Shihan Ralph Orobono's Warrior Path
IV. One of the most difficult aspects of instruction is the strengthening of one's character. Most modern Martial Artist train several hours a week for years to achieve their black belt, but the mental training never stops. Developing the traits of integrity, consideration, respect, focus, determination, self-control and discipline is an integral part of martial arts. This aspect is the reason the martial arts have survived and evolved for thousands of years. Bringing forth and living the honorable way is a very challenging path. Having the ability to face one’s inner weaknesses and not give in to them is difficult. But if you listen and learn from a seasoned instructor you will become and live the life of a true warrior!
Legacy of Lessons
August 1954 to May 4th, 2023
by C.S. Orobono
Ralph Orobono, an individual who at 18 years old wanted to share his knowledge of sports through coaching, but also instill in his charges an understanding of how to live a principled life. There were many different facets to Shihan as he became known. These various parts from husband, father, manager, golfer, baseball coach to Shihan.
Ralph carried threads of his wisdom through to each and every aspect of these diverse paths. Sometimes these courses would intersect, but there was never strife because he always kept the same mantra, "through fairness and hard work you will achieve!" Shihan believed the way to a productive and happy existence was to continuously learn from issues that arise. He knew it was a positive to face your fears, not to run and hide from them setting precedence!
Martial Arts, a sport with its multitude of lessons, has been part of our family for over twenty-five years. Shihan saw this as a new activity to share with his children but was drawn to the craft for all the philosophies it offered. Martial arts has training on how to defend oneself, but more important, is the intellectual knowledge of being an Elite Warrior. A genuine strength of a Martial Artist is to release the ego and embody these inner qualities. This premise is a difficult journey and sometimes it is very easy to lose one’s way.
Finding the right path again can be attained by embracing the concepts of martial arts. Your sense of assurance will come from the knowledge you have prepared properly, and clear-headedness will deliver the proper response. Ralph always admitted to his missteps and he would say with a smile, "A martial artist will step to the side to correct but never step back!" He relished his ever-strengthening decision making skills. This step would lead him to new revelations.
Upon attending local martial arts events, Shihan would speak of his frustration at the disrespect shown by many students in this craft. Due to these conversations “Shihan's Warrior Path” guidelines for his Elite students were created. He wanted to give the best of these discoveries to his students.
Shihan was an individual who cared deeply about everyone under his leadership. From teaching his children, at work and martial arts instruction, etc., he wanted everyone to have the tools to handle life's challenges. This is Shihan Ralph Orobono's legacy, to help everyone become more confident in whatever venue. He was never afraid to hold back, teaching all he knew and experienced throughout his 68 years! His edicts will help his Elite student's push through their obstacles and see their accomplishments…
"Be the best you can be"
Shihan Ralph Orobono

June 21, 2014 - W.K.U. Awards Ceremony
Master Instructor of the Year

Shihan James & Sensei Mary Orobono

LV Sports Festival

Jacob Shelly's Belt advancement

Shihan James & Sensei Mary Orobono
Slide Gallery

Shihan Orobono has been a Martial Arts Instructor since 2005. He has become very accomplished in advanced weapons continuing to learn new weapons in the various disciplines. James received his Sensei and 5th degree December 2011, and was inducted into the World Karate Union Hall of Fame in June of 2015. He is bringing his expertise to the students of Elite Mixed Martial Arts Center.
Shihan James Orobono, 8th Degree
Shihan has been a Martial Artist since the age of seven. James earned his first black belt in February of 2002 in the disciplines of Aikido, Hapkido, Karate, Muay Thai and Jujutsu.
In June 2005, he earned his second black belt, adding the disciplines of Ninjitsu, Brazillian Jujitsu and wrestling, thus strengthening his self-defenses. In his free time James is a member of a paranormal investigation group. Sensei competed in various Martial Arts Tournaments receiving first place in weapons and katas. He also competed in NAGA (North American Grappling Association) placing second
Non-Gi Division.

Sensei James Orobono, 6th Degree
2015 Inductee - World Karate Union - Hall of Fame

Achieved Joshu & 1st Degree Black Belt


Little Dragons

Achieved Joshu & 1st Degree Black Belt
Slide Gallery

Sensei Mary Orobono, 6th Degree
Deshi has been in Martial Arts since the age of four. She is one of the youngest students to achieve a black belt at the age of seven at her previous school in the disciplines of Aikido, Hapkido, Karate, Muay Thai and Jujutsu.. Mary received her second black belt in May of 2005 adding the disciplines of Ninjitsu, Brazillian Jujitsu and Wrestling to her martial arts foundation. At eleven years old she earned her adult black belt and began training as a Junior Joshu. Mary received her full Joshu in March 2008 at the age of thirteen. She has also competed in many tournaments receiving first place in weapons, sparring & katas (forms). Mary earned her Deshi in June 2011. Mary along with Sensei James Orobono was inducted into the World Karate Union Hall Of Fame in June 2015.

Deshi Mary Orobono
2015 Inductee - World Karate Union - Hall of Fame
She graduated from DeSales University in 2017 with a B.S. in Mathematics & from Moravian College in 2020 with a M.S. in Predictive Analytics. Deshi has let her education take her on an adventure to Sydney, Australia to study abroad for 5 months. In her free time she will be singing to her favorite songs and you can see her walking her dogs Kato & Luna around Northampton. Deshi Mary Orobono is bringing her determination and discipline to the students of Elite MMA Center.

Deshi Salvatore Torelli, 3rd Degree
Joshu Salvatore Torelli started training Martial Art in 2010 at the age of 9, he acquired his blackbelt three years later at the age of 12 and then earned his Junior Joshu two years later. In 2018 Joshu Torelli earned his second black and became a full instructor.
Joshu Torelli's favorite type of Martial Art is Brazilian Jujitsu, however Joshu is still very efficient in multiple types of Martial Arts. He has racked up many 1st place trophies in katas, both open hand traditional and extreme and traditional weapons. Some of these weapons include Nunchuckas, Bo, and tonfas. 2019 was the biggest and most important year of Joshu Torelli's Martial Arts career. In 2019 Joshu Torelli was inducted into the World Karate Hall of Fame at the young age of 17. Only a few months late Joshu Torelli started to compete in NAGA (North American Grappling Association) in the extreme division and only aims to improve by continuing to compete. Joshu Torelli refuses to stand still in his Martial Arts training and is always looking to reach the next highest level. He is always hungry to improve his MMA game and wants to help his students follow in that example.
All throughout middle school and high school Joshu Torelli wrestled for the Northampton School District and placed in multiple tournaments for the school. Joshu Torelli loves to weightlift or just work out in general and always strives to break his limits... sometimes ending really well... other times not so much... If he's not in the dojo your best bet is to find him in the gym working out or if he's in the dojo look towards one of the mirrors... he's definitely flexing.
April 2022 Joshu Torelli was promoted to Deshi, we are very proud of him...

Joshu Salvatore Torelli, 3rd Degree
2019 Inductee - World Karate Union - Hall of Fame

Deshi Salvatore Torelli, 3rd Degree
April 2022 Joshu Torelli receiving his Deshi

Deshi Riley Kline, 3rd Degree
My name is Riley and I'm here to say
I'm a Joshu at Elite MMA
I like to kick, I like to punch
I really like when I eat my lunch.
I started here in 2010
2017 is the year when
I got my Joshu title, and that means
I help teach the kids, I help teach the teens
This is where, I met my pal
Scroll on up, his name is Sal.
MMA really changed my life,
We learn defenses against a knife.
We spar, we grapple, we do the clinch
MMA helps when you're in a pinch.
I'm running out of things to say
Please consider Elite MMA

Elite M.M.A. Center - Full Joshu

2021 we are so proud to announce that Joshu Riley Kline & Joshu Connor Kline earned their Full Joshu (Blue Stripes)! Shihan Orobono and all Elite Instructors are proud!

“Brothers who are part of martial arts strengthen their determination and perseverance as they train together in achieving their Black Belt!"

North American Grappling Association

The Smith Family -
Elite Black Belts